Categoriearchief: RES ONE Automation

Multiple PowerShell outputs within Ivanti Automation

imageIvanti Automation (formally known as RES Automation) and PowerShell work very well together. By using PowerShell from within Ivanti Automation we are able to talk to any system that utilize a REST full API.

The Task for Powershell does only allow for all the screen output of a script to be placed in one Automation parameter. To divide this output into multiple parameters the data had to be splited in Automation or in Ivanti Identity Director.


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Telnet with PowerShell via RES One Automation

Today I want to build an PowerShell script for a customer that will connect via Telnet to a switch or a firewall to run some commands and log the output. The next step is to be able to schedule this script to run at the beginning and at the end of the working day. The environment for this task is PowerShell 2.0 and RES ONE Automation 2015.

After some Internet searching I found an Get-Telnet PowerShell function that can do what I want. It will connect to the switch, and I can place the commands I want to run in an array or in a text file. I altered the script slightly to meet my needs. I only use the function because I run the script from within RES One Automation.

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