Categoriearchief: vExpert

Fixing an interrupted NSX-T Manager upgrade

nsxtThe process for upgrading the NSX-T managers in an environment is a automated process that works through three managers and finishes the moment all the NSX-T managers are upgraded to the new desired version. Recently I was upgrading a NSX-T datacenter environment from version to version in my lab environment. The Edge nodes and Transport Nodes had already been upgraded successfully. While we where in the middle of upgrading the the NSX-T manager upgrade got interrupted and the NSX-T managers rebooted when the upgrade was not yet finished.
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Awarded vExpert 2021

vExpert 2021VMware vExpert is an honorary title VMware grants to outstanding advocates of the company’s products.

The vExpert title is held in high regards within the community due to the expertise of the selected vExperts. The vExpert honorees are sharing their knowledge towards enabling and empowering customers around the world with VMware’s software defined hybrid cloud technology adoption.

The vExpert award is for individuals, not for companies. The title last for one year. Employees of both customers and partners can receive the vExpert award. VMware started the vExpert program in 2009.

I am honored, happy and very proud that I am named vExpert 2021. I look forward to participate in the vExpert program and to continue to share knowledge about the VMware products and their different use cases.