Auteursarchief: RobinP

Remote manage a SQL environment with PowerShell

downloadIn this article I want to talk about managing a SQL 2012 Server with PowerShell from a remote computer. As I’ve mentioned in an earlier blog post PowerShell is becoming more and more important in the day to day task of a system administrator.

I am using PowerShell ISE as scripting application. It is a simple scripting tool but it does everything I need at this time to make my PowerShell work easy.


$fldr = "C:\users\robin\Documents\PowerShell\data"
$credential = Get-Credential
$credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content "$fldr\adminpassword.bin"
$password = Get-Content "$fldr\adminpassword.bin" | ConvertTo-SecureString
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("contoso\adminrobin", $password)
New-PSSession -Name SQL -ComputerName -Credential $cred
Enter-PSSession -Name SQL

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Virtual Machine in VM Workstation networking conflict

Recently I upgraded my lab environment to VMware Workstation 11. After the upgrade I turned on the machines from hibernation and everything was working correctly. The next day after I rebooted all my machines all my member servers could not connect to the domain controller. Al my machines are connected trough the NAT network, and DHCP on VMware Workstation is disabled.

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Enabling Remote Desktop remotely with PowerShell

downloadLast week I was busy building a new lab environment on my Hyper-V environment. My automated installation joined the machine to my LAB environment domain and disable the Windows Firewall. The only thing I forgot to include was enabling Remote Desktop. It was not posible to start a remote registry session, and I did not have my machine running that has the Hyper-V Manager installed.
The solution is to open a remote PowerShell sessie via the ServerManager.

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RES VDX 2014 with Citrix XenApp 6.5

res-vdx For a customer I’ve been asked to design a workstation with RES Virtual Desktop Extender (RES VDX) installed to deliver some problem applications in a proof of concept.

I am going to use RES VDX 2014 for my POC.

This customer is using Citrix XenApp 6.5 to deliver a published desktop. The user start menu is managed by the Citrix Program Neighborhood Agent. So all the start menu items are published applications.

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RES VDX Engine does not connect to the VDX plugin

res-vdx Currently I am busy building an proof of concept environment while designing an appliance pc. This type of workstation will be used for applications that need specific local hardware on the workstation. We want to see if RES VDX can provide the functionality to make the software that is installed and running on the appliance pc accesVDX-menusible within the Citrix XenApp session. RES VDX is most commonly used in combination with RES Workspace Manager.


The customer I am currently working for is not using RES Workspace Manager, but they do want to make use of the functionality that RES Software provide in there RES VDX product.

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Create a PowerShell Profile ready for XenDesktop Management

PowerShell_Logo Today I want to show you how to create a PowerShell instance that is all ready for managing a Citrix XenDesktop 7.1 environment.

We’ve all been there you want to check something quickly in your environment. You start up PowerShell, enter a command and you are presented with an error message that the command you just entered is not recognized by PowerShell.

Screenshot 2014-05-06 21.34.56

We get this error message not because of a typo but because the Citrix Snap-ins are not loaded in this PowerShell session.

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Shared Hosted Desktop on XenDesktop 7.1

image_thumb3 Recently I did some research for an Shared Hosted Desktop environment based on Citrix XenDesktop 7.1.  The environment I did my research for consists of 40+ Remote Desktop Services servers, based on Windows 2012 R2. These servers are Citrix Provisioning Services target devices. Within Citrix XenDesktop we have published an Server OS Desktop, with the Machine Catalog, consisting of the aforementioned 40+ RDS servers. The end user will connect to this desktop after logging in to an Storefront portal.

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